The key to defusing anxiety and avoiding stress to an overresponse is to reframe the event. You can learn to avoid stress by developing the habit of consciously examining events from a different perspective. Take a look at these steps. It’s easy to remember them as S.E.E.D.S. that you sow in anticipation of reaping future success. 
1. S – ituation
2. E – valuation
3. E – motions
4. D – o
5. S – elf esteem
As you listen & learn about how Jalen sowed his SEEDS, think about your own “push-button responses” and how this solution might apply to you.
1. See the situation as fundamentally neutral. Don’t take it personally.
2. Evaluate the situation: who owns the problem?
3. Shift your emotions to fit your evaluation.
4. Do something about the situation.
5. Self-esteem will follow.
It is important to sow SEEDS every time you feel yourself reacting stressfully to an outside event. New habits are only learned through constant repetition. Once you get started, you will soon begin to experience inner peace and confidence in situations where you have habitually known anxiety and self-criticism.