78: Parents Speak #3 with Andy Chitty

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Andy Chitty. His son Sam attends Bucknell University in Pennsylvania. This was a conversation that uncovered several metaphors, ironies, and paradoxes of life. The interview with Andy was open, candid, and very informative. I would suggest any parent of a student-athlete to listen to this episode. We uncovered some valuable gems in this conversation. Some of the highlights of our conversation were:

  • Doing things that you don’t like to do…so that you can do the things that you want to do
  • Minimizing the pressure on children to succeed
  • Sports parents, politics, and perceived iniquities
  • Lessons that pay dividends
  • Intrinsic motivation
  • Attending college 3000 miles away
  • The psychology of transitioning from sports to life

The goal here is to share information, experience, stories, and dialogue to better help our student-athletes. Would you be willing to discuss the topics below?

If your new to the Sports Mastery podcast, check out the bullet points below. I’ve been interviewing the parents of student-athletes for the last 3 weeks.

  • What is your #1 strategy that you use at home to develop discipline with your student-athlete?


  • When you find your student-athlete procrastinating how do you motivate him or her to take action?


  • How do you use reflective thinking to support achievement?


  • What are your student-athlete’s barriers and limitations?

Do you know who would make a great guest? If so, don’t hesitate to connect us. Thanks.

DeShawn Fontleroy