68: How To CRAFT A New Self-Image


How can you take control of your mind and CRAFT a new Self-Image. Change comes about through awareness of  a negative self-image, by challenging the bad habits that support this image, and by creating a new, positive self-image that allows you to set and achieve worthwhile goals.


It’s easy to remember these steps if you think of reprogramming your Self-Image as a CRAFT.

  1. C – ancel                                                    
  2. R – eplace
  3. A – ffirm
  4. F – ocus
  5. T – rain

  1. Cancel old, negative data. Go about your business as usual. But any time you find yourself thinking, “I just can’t do it,” or any limiting though, say the word “cancel!” out loud. By hearing yourself speak the thought, you complete what psycholinguists call the language loop. It’s a double reinforcement: your ears hear your voice giving the order. It makes your focus clearer. The repetition will help you move toward actual CANCELATION of your old self-image.
  2. Replace it with new, positive data. For instance, you can replace, “I suck at math” to “I’m getting better at math everyday in every way.” Repeat your new data several times each day. Every time a negative self-limiting belief pops up, immediately after saying “ CANCEL” reaffirm the new program to yourself. This is the power of affirmations.
  3. Affirm your new image to yourself. Make some affirmation cards by writing statements that define your new positive self image. Place cards on your mirror in the bathroom, at your desk, in your locker, on the bedroom end table, on the refrigerator, etc. By doing so, you’ll reinforce your new self-image on repeated basis. Remember, affirmations used alone will not change habits. Only if the self-image is in the process of change will they begin to take effect.

     Affirmations help to point you back on course when feedback from your old, negative self-image makes you get off course versus focusing on your destination. But unless you have a destination, affirm-ation will turn quickly to frustr-ation.

4. Focus on an image of a successful you. Everyday allow 10-15 minutes to sit by yourself, relax, and picture yourself being success or fulfilling your wants, needs, and desires. This process is called “mental pictures” or “entering the theater of the imagination.” Its also been termed “reflective relearning.” By vividly imagining success, you’ll cause your subconscious mind to respond as though you’re already successful. This is not a metaphysical process. The brain works in pictures. Visualization is crucial to reprogramming your self-image, and relaxation is crucial to visualization.

5. Train yourself for lasting change. Now is the time to “act as if” you’re already successful. Start dressing, talking, practicing as if you’re already successful.These are reinforcements that will serve as an insurance policy for your new attitude and behavior.



DeShawn Fontleroy
