166. The Coaching Crisis and Pandemics: Unintended Consequences

We are in this together.

Everyone in the sport community is feeling the impact of COVID-19. Events and competitive seasons at all sport levels have been cancelled or modified. Facilities have been closed or usage has been restricted.  Athletes, coaches, parents, and sport stakeholders have scrambled to develop contingency plans. In this episode, we highlight the winners and losers. Fortunately, mental performance and mental health practitioners and organizations are helping to mitigate the effects of this extremely fluid situation through online support and offline support.

The emotional rollercoaster is real
In the midst of the current global crisis, it is normal to feel like you are on an emotional rollercoaster; the constant influx of information, changes to daily routines, uncertainty with personal health and the health of others coupled with rapidly changing reports, is characteristic of the ups and downs of a rollercoaster. All of which is physically and emotionally draining. The first step in managing your experience is being flexible and creative. This begins with being flexible and creative in your thoughts. COVID-19 is impacting everyone differently, and the impact it is having on you is completely normal and valid.

Some common feelings are fear, anxiety, loss, relief, confusion, disappointment, exhaustion, frustration, and anger. We’re here to help.

DeShawn Fontleroy