39: Is Stress and Competition Being Wired Out of Our DNA?

Is Stress and Competition Being Wired Out of Our DNA?

Stress has a PR problem.

We try and avoid stress at all costs when in reality the proper dose of stress brings opportunity for growth. If we label stress as bad, we’re doing more harm than good. A Student-Athlete needs exposure to the right type of stress and competition in order to improve, become a better teammate, and learn the value of hard work.

Maladaptive Stress and Competition

  • Maladaptive Competition is when you are preoccupied with playing lots of games and consumed by winning and losing.
  • Maladaptive athletes do little to no physical training and preparation.
  • Maladaptive athletes do little to no skills training or mental preparation.
  • Maladaptive Competition = Cheaters & Poor Sportsmanship
  • LONG TERM STRESS = Practicing for 6-8 hours daily for several months to several years.

Adaptive Stress and Competition

  • Adaptive Competition is when you train, compete, rest & recover.
  • Proper stress increases dopamine levels. Biologically, the brain works better under stress.
  • Adaptive Competition = Good Sportsmanship
  • SHORT TERM STRESS = 90 minutes of intensity with no distractions

Listen and learn why it’s important to calm the stress response instead of trying to eliminate it completely.

Your Coach,
DeShawn Fontleroy
