62: Acres of Diamonds Pt. 1

One of my favorite books of all time…

Is a classic called “Acres of Diamonds”

As the story goes, a farmer became enamored with tales of others becoming rich discovering diamond mines.

He truly wanted to be wealthy.

And so he sold his farm and went on his journey.  

Searching for diamonds.

And search he did.

Years went by and nothing.

He lost his health.

He lost his family.

He no longer resembled who he once was.

But still, he searched far and distant lands for diamonds

Until his end.

One day, the man who had purchased that farm
came across a shiny object.

That shiny object, hidden just under a stream in the farm…

Was nothing else than one of the largest diamonds he’d ever seen.

That farm it turns out contained “acres of diamonds

In haste to find the next shiny object the farmer had not seen the riches underneath his feet.

The point of the story is that we often dream of all the riches to be had elsewhere.

 Let me bring this home. We wish we could play on another team. We fantasize of playing for another coach. We think, “If only I had these athletes on my team.

Maybe we instead should be open to the opportunity around us.

Maybe we are overlooking the value of the people that surround us everyday.

Maybe your team, community, or business right now, hidden in plain sight contains your acres of diamonds.

Would you know it if you did?

Maybe I can help?

This episode explores what stops most people from realizing there own acres of diamonds.

 Let’s schedule a 30 minute call to discuss your hopes & dreams, pains  & fears, and barriers and limitations. You can email me personally here: deshawn@sportsmastery.com
 Familiarity often breeds contempt – Earl Nightingale