Tag Archives: development

110. A Road Map For Your Life Mission ft. Daniel Goodenough

A proper mission statement doesn't require that we pursue any single career or hobby or activity but rather is conceptually broad enough that any number of strategies would enable us to accomplish it. Yet it can also be narrow enough that it feels like the single most important thing we could spend our lives doing.…

109. Oakland Basketball Culture ft. Dwayne Adams

Dwayne Adams breaks down an extraordinarily diverse city with a storied history, and a long tradition of political and social justice activism. Oakland is also a city of contradictions: It's both loud and tranquil, crowded and desolate, beautiful and gritty. The grit that's ingrained in what's affectionately known as the "Town", has produced some of…

45: Iris Briand, RDN – 6 Nutritional Must-Haves For Your Student-Athlete

36: Mike Hubbell – How to Define, Create, & Achieve Success

34: Leslie Poole discusses form, technique, and discipline

29: Eight Strategies To Mastery

Today, I discuss 8 Strategies to Mastery: Value learning, training, & practice over competing Keep expanding your horizons Revert to the feeling of inferiority Trust the process Move toward resistance and pain Learn how to fail, fail forward Combine the "How and the What" Advance through trial and error Your Coach, DeShawn Fontleroy