110. A Road Map For Your Life Mission ft. Daniel Goodenough

A proper mission statement doesn’t require that we pursue any single career or hobby or activity but rather is conceptually broad enough that any number of strategies would enable us to accomplish it. Yet it can also be narrow enough that it feels like the single most important thing we could spend our lives doing.

Of course, we don’t have to define a mission for ourselves. The pleasures life brings us will still remain pleasurable even if we don’t. We can choose to view our job, our hobbies, major, sport, position or whatever we spend most of our time doing as just that: what we spend our time doing. Or as something we enjoy. Or as a necessary evil, a means to some other end, like making money.

But if we embrace a mission–our mission as a provisional bodhisattva (a bodhisattva defined in Buddhism as a person who dedicates himself to the happiness of others)–we’ll not only enjoy greater satisfaction in life, but also gain something that the joy we feel from fleeting pleasures can’t provide, something that most people fail to associate with a strong sense of purpose but that’s nevertheless one of its principal benefits: increased strength.


Daniel Goodenough discusses:

1. What is the best way to tap into your talents and desires to create a life of meaning and authenticity?
2. How can spiritual principles be used by a student-athlete to create an environment of success, growth, and fulfillment for a team?
3. How can the student-athlete live in a way that is fulfilling while serving their community?


Now In Hard-Copy! Includes spaces to write in answers. 

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